Leandro Felix

Machado Meyer



São Paulo

Oil and gas
Energy, infrastructure and construction
Corporate and M&A-related disputes

English and Portuguese

LL.M. from the The Universty of Chicago Law School, 2019.
LL.B. from the University of São Paulo Law School (USP), 2014.


- PERAZZA, Eduardo Medeiros; FELIX, Leandro Gouveia. The incident of disregard of legal personality in Brazil's new Code of Civil Procedure. In JOTA. 2015, available at: https://www.jota.info/opiniao-e-analise/artigos/o-incidente-de-desconsideracao-da-pessoa-juridica-no-novo-cpc-16092015

- - PERAZZA, Eduardo Medeiros; FELIX, Leandro Gouveia. New CRSFN rules shall speed up cases. In Consultor Jurídico. 2016, available at: https://www.conjur.com.br/2016-mar-18/regimento-interno-crsfn-dar-celeridade-causas/

- CARVALHO, Eliane Cristina; FELIX, Leandro Gouveia. The use of virtual platforms in conciliation and conflict resolution. In. CESA - Center for Law Firm Studies: Yearbook 2017. Ribeirão Preto: Migalhas, 2017. p. 79-82.

- CARVALHO, Eliane Cristina; FELIX, Leandro Gouveia. Ethics and Arbitration. In. CESA - Center for Law Firm Studies: Yearbook 2016. Ribeirão Preto: Migalhas, 2017. p. 61-63.

- MATION, Gisela; FELIX, Leandro Gouveia. Is confidentiality at risk in judicial proceedings discussing arbitration-related matters in Brazil? In Lexlogy. 2022, avalilable at: https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=09427cba-556f-4516-8437-b32c8d53f958.

- FELIX, Leandro Gouveia; VILELA, Amanda Costa. Confidentiality of corporate arbitration: public hearing on changes to CVM's rules. In Lexlogy. 2022, avalilable at: https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=a3012c6f-5b78-4968-8577-fce814c040ba.

- MATION, Gisela; FELIX, Leandro Gouveia; ZORATELLI, Mateus Pires. Brazil's Bidding Law and alternative means of preventing and resolving disputes. In Lexlogy. 2022, avalilable at: https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=0767ed00-7360-49bd-adba-52db251f0c29.

- PEREIRA, Vinicius; FELIX, Leandro Gouveia. Nullity of a non-liquid arbitration award: considerations on the decision of the São Paulo Court of Appeals. In Consultor Jurídico. 2023, available at: https://www.conjur.com.br/2023-jun-25/pereirae-felix-nulidade-sentenca-arbitral-non-liquet.

- PEREIRA, Vinicius; FELIX, Leandro Gouveia; CORREA, Bianca Santos; COSEDEY, Carolina Albek. Third-party litigation funding in Brazil. In Inteligência Jurídica. 2023, available at: https://www.machadomeyer.com.br/en/recent-publications/publications/litigation/third-party-litigation-funding-in-brazil.

- Brazilian Bar Association (OAB)

- New York State Bar

- Brazilian Arbitration Committee - CBAr (member of the Legislative Affairs Committee)

- INOVARB-AMCHAM (co-founder and director)

- CAMARB - Câmara de Mediação e Arbitragem Empresarial (member of the M&A and Corporate Restructuring Committee)

- IBRADEMP – Brazilian Institute of Commercial Law (member of the commission of Corporate and M&A Disputes)

- IBDiC - Brazilian Institute of Construction Law (member of the Dispute Resolution and Expert Determination Committe)

- International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution - CPR (nember of the Arbitration Committee)

- Member of NDArb - Brazil's Arbitration Discussion Center

Felix is a specialist in commercial and corporate litigation and arbitration, including cross-border disputes. He has represented corporations and executives in proceedings before the Brazil's SEC (CVM), the Brazilian Central Bank (BACEN), and other law-enforcement agencies. He has extensive experience in internal investigations related to compliance and anti-corruption matters.

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