Jonathan Silberstein-Loeb

Hombuger AG

United States of America; Germany

England & Wales, Switzerland, New York

Zurich, Switzerland

Commercial arbitration, litigation and investigations.

English and German

2014 LL.M. NYU Law School
2013 LLB City University Law School, London
2009 Ph.D., University of Cambridge
2003 Fulbright Fellow, Kyoto, Japan
2003 B.A., Colby College, Waterville, Maine

Jonathan Silberstein- Loeb, 'Arbitrators, Decision Making, and Generative AI', (2023), 41, ASA Bulletin, Issue 4, pp. 831-840,


International Counsel at Homburger specializing in international arbitration, litigation, and investigations. I have represented clients in a wide range of civil and criminal matters. I am a qualified barrister in England & Wales, a member of the New York bar, and I admitted to practice in Switzerland.

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