RAI "Interview the Institution" Series: Matthieu Reeb (CAS) in conversation with Flavia Mange

Published: 02/08/2022 13:43

by Gladwin Issac, Associate, S&R Associates, Mumbai, India

Flavia Mange, Member of the Executive Committee at the Rising Arbitrators Initiative (RAI) and Partner at Flavia Mange Advogados speaks to Matthieu Reeb, Director General of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in the next episode of the RAI’s “Interview the Institution” Series.

In this engaging talk with Flavia, Matthieu provides insights on the procedural offering at CAS and how it differs from traditional commercial arbitration institutions. Most notably, Matthieu highlights the relevance of the special procedures offered by CAS, for example, during the Olympic games, which provide measures for flexible and expedited dispute resolution.

Matthieu also discusses the requirements for candidates wishing to be appointed to the (mandatory) CAS list of arbitrators, which includes, amongst other things, having recognized competence with regard to sport and sports law. He also notes CAS’s continued efforts to provide education and training for council and arbitrators focused on sport disputes (and the CAS arbitration procedure) as well as CAS’s commitment towards diversity in the organization as a whole and more specifically on the CAS list of arbitrators. In his advice to rising arbitrators, Matthieu urges candidates wishing to apply for the CAS list of arbitrators to gain relevant work experience, for example, by applying to be a clerk (i.e., secretariat) at CAS as well as by actively engaging in relevant networking events.

Watch the full recording of the interview on the RAI website available here:

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